Energy Management Solutions
Energy Management Solutions
As Australian industry continues to take forward strides in its environmental awareness and commitment to sustainable practices, it has never been more important for local business to ensure they are honouring their corporate responsibility.
Traditionally accepted as an opportunity for larger commercial projects and facilities, greater scalability and advancements in technology and manufacturing means that these tangible cost saving and environmental outcomes can be experienced at all levels of production environments.
Whether it’s energy metering and management or software/hardware evaluation, all industry environments unparalleled capability to record, report, analyse and optimise when it comes to their energy usage.
And it’s not just the environment that will benefit. Operators and business owners unlock greater visibility of their energy consumption and carbon footprint, which enables corrective actions that result in genuine cost savings and ultimately greater investment and profits. But the biggest benefit of them all? Ensuring a positive impact on the environment, and impact that your valued customer base will acknowledge and support.
A holistic view of your energy management consumption

Raw data for analysis of the equipment status is generated in the field.

Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficiency
Energy monitoring starts in the load branch.

Condition Monitoring
Condition Monitoring
Life data of the equipment can often be derived through trace functions of field data.

Equipment Protection
Equipment Protection
Motor protection begins by measuring the temperature or by monitoring the current in the load branch.
A future focused and sustainable investment

Energy usage is a significant cost factor and investing in management technologies will reduce consumtpion and cost.

Government Initiatives
Government Initiatives
There are a number of government grants and initaitives to support your investment.

Corporate Responsibility
Corporate Responsibility
Service and support including online, phone, remote access.
Tailored Packages
In partnership with Siemens, APS Industrial is proud to release a complete range of energy management solution packages that have been tailored to local industry and conditions and promise to support all local applications – no matter how big or small. These three solution packages range from those seeking to take their first step into energy management through to those looking to optimise existing energy management systems and practices.

Package 1
Package 1
For customers who operate industrial plants and would like to manage their energy consumption efficiently, whilst saving on their energy usage and maintaining their competitiveness in the market. It also provides greater visibility of your energy consumption.

Package 2A
Package 2A
For Machine Builders already using ET 200SP CPU to operate their machines and would like to manage their customer’s energy consumption efficiently, whilst reducing the energy usage and maintaining their competitiveness in the market. It also provides greater visibility of your energy consumption. Includes SIMATIC HMI.

Package 2B
Package 2B
For Machine Builders already using ET 200SP CPU to operate their machines and would like to manage their customer’s energy consumption efficiently, whilst reducing the energy usage and maintaining their competitiveness in the market. It also provides greater visibility of your energy consumption.

Package 3
Package 3
For End Users already using ET 200SP CPU to operate their machines and would like to manage their customer’s energy consumption efficiently, whilst reducing the energy usage and maintaining their competitiveness in the market. It also provides greater visibility of your energy consumption.